Among many art works acquired by collections (collectors), two Paintings with Cinema recently went through auctions.
In spite of the pandemic, the year 2020 saw a first quotation in an auction house. Collectors have indeed sold two works at Drouot auction house in a few months apart.
MAY… Therefore the first Painting with Cinema is rated since friday may 8 th 2020. The copy n° 4/4 of Le souffle / The breathing (lot 463) was bought 510 € excluding costs. Format : 12cm x 13cm. Framed with black oak and glass of museum quality. Titled, signed and dated 2004 in pencil. On the back, signature, QR code and numerotation (E.A. 4/4) and a poem by the artist in french and english accessible by QR code
Le souffle (2004)
Car au fond des nuages, je ne crains plus rien
Ils ressemblent au rire qui efface les ombres
Enfin plus de ciel que de terre... Blancs... Aériens
Un vent léger au dessus de la pénombre
The breathing (2004)
For, in the depth of clouds, I fear nothing no more
They look like the laugh that clears shadows
At last, more heaven, less ground… White… Aerials…
A delicate wind over penumbra
JULY… Quite surprised to learn that, in the middle of 2020 summer, another Painting with Cinema is estimated at DROUOT between 800 and 900 €.
How much time is there left to wait ? (Image n°2) A work of 2004 (resolutely a good year !) goes through Drouot auction house on july 15 th 2020 (Lot n°64). We won’t say more since the Gazette Drouot reserves these informations to its subscribers.
In any case, the piece is an artist proof n°5/5 with, on the back, the monogram G in felt pen. With title, date and a poem by the artist (accessible by QR code) printed in french and english. Framed with glass. Format : 15cm x 19,5cm (6 x 7 3/4 in.). The frame is 29cm x 33cm. (11,5 x 13 in.).
The auction house uses a quote from an art critic:
"A painting-without-paint, made of movie stills : taking note that photography and
cinema have eclipsed Painting as a way to understand the world, Bernard Gast starts
in the 90’s to think over its role in our society. Instead of opposing the two mediums,
his work tends to a symbiosis where the mother (Painting) reclaims and revisits the
reality induced by her children (Photo and Cinema).From stills of 35mm movies used
picturally he wants to reset the spirit of painting at the heart of the artistic process."

Bernard Gast - How much time is there left to wait ? (2004), Peinture avec le Cinéma (EA 5/5 = 15 x 19,5 cm) © Adagp (With a poem by the artist recorded in french and english accessible by QR code) (Matrix 7 x 10 cm about)
How much time is there left to wait ? (2004)
Une guenon sur le dos... Il scrutait sa peine
Cette fourbe bête le liait... Au presque rien
Et lui... Attendait son résultat d'ADN
Sous un fier firmament de diamants aériens
How much time is there left to wait ? (2004)
A she-monkey on his back... He was peering at his grief
This slybeastbound him... To the near nothing
And he... Was waiting for his DNA finding
Under a proud firmament of airborne diamonds
Meanwhile, I GALLERY shows a large format work: La force (2004)